Here we share ideas, nuggets of information and answer any niggling questions you might have. Below are some general Q&As we have been asked. If you have anything specific to ask then please fill in the form below.








So what makes a photo great?

I would say - stick to the basics first - subject  in focus where you want it to be, horizons straight, placement and framing correct etc. And then of course interest - appeal and charm of subject matter, does it involve me?, does it tell a story? how long do I stay in the picture for?


Is it best to shoot in colour or black and white?

As a great fan of black and white photography I would still recommend you stick to colour and make the most of your post processing software to change to black and white - that way you get the best of both worlds. Also what you think might work in black and white sometimes doesn't so you have the option for it to remain in colour or to apply a different filter.



Do you shoot in RAW or JPG?

Definitely RAW - it gives you the so much more flexibilty when editing - they are robust and although much larger in file size, they store the highest amount of colour and detail. 





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